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Featuring Jeffrey Milem, Ph.D.

“Making Diversity Work on Campus: Whose Job is it and What has to be Done?” 

Dr. Jeffrey Milem
Ernest W. McFarland Distinguished Professor of Leadership for Educational Policy and Reform
University of Arizona 

Thursday, February 12, 2015 @ 1pm 
252 Erickson Hall

Colleges and universities need to expand their concept of diversity as a process toward better learning rather than simply an outcome to be checked off a list. Dr. Milem discusses the scholarship exploring the benefits of diversity in higher education, describes the conditions that must be in place, and proposes who has responsibility for creating and enacting diversity in higher education. 

Professor Milem’s research focuses on racial dynamics in higher education, the educational outcomes of diversity with a special focus on medical education, the impact of college on students, and the condition and status of the professorate—including the ways in which faculty effectively utilize diversity in their classroom teaching. With his colleagues Mitchell Chang and anthony antonio, he co-authored Making Diversity Work on Campus: A Research Based Perspective, published by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, which translates research demonstrating the educational benefits of diversity to develop a “roadmap” for college leaders of the conditions that must be in place if they are to maximize the opportunities for teaching and learning that racial diversity provides. Jeff contributed to two of the three books that Justice Sandra Day O’Connor cited in her majority opinion in Grutter v. Bollinger as being influential in helping to document the university’s claim regarding the educational benefits of diversity. He worked closely on three amicus briefs for the Fisher v.Texas case argued before the Supreme Court in October.