Dr. Dongbin Kim presents "Understanding the changing patterns of doctoral student migration: Past, present, and future"
In this Center Speaker Series session, Dr. Kim discusses the migration patterns of doctoral students from their undergraduate institutions to their doctoral programs.
Dr. Dongbin Kim, Professor, Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education, Michigan State University
"Understanding the changing patterns of doctoral student migration: Past, present, and future"
Tuesday, February 23, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
252 Erickson
In this presentation, Dr. Kim discusses the migration patterns of doctoral students from their undergraduate institutions to their doctoral programs with particular attention to the unique effect of financial support on the migration behavior. Understanding the effect of primary sources of financial support on student migration behavior is particularly important given that majority of graduate schools, particularly at doctoral level, utilizes financial support as a way to recruit the best and the brightest students for their institutions. In doing this, Dr. Kim explores historical trends of the migration patterns: If the migration patterns are associated with individual, institutional (both undergraduate and doctoral institutions), state, and regional variables and if the association have changed over time, between 1970s and 2000s. Implications for policy and future research will also be discussed.