The 2016 GRC successfully took place on Saturday, February 13th in Erickson Hall. There were 200 people in attendance including, faculty, current students, admitted students, and other guest. There were 40 student presenters from HALE PhD, MA, and SAA across two time slots who shared their research and scholarly work.
The first time from 9:30am-10:20am, attendees selected presentations from the following themes:
Administration and Governance
Graduate Student Identity
Faculty Work
Economics and Finance
The second time slot from 10:30am-11:30am, featured the following themes:
Reflections from Teaching EAD 315
Undergraduate Student Development
International Issues
Marginalized Undergraduate Populations
The program concluded with admitted students attending their respective program sessions and lunch.
Download the program below for complete details of each presentation. To view testimonials from current students, see the attachment below.