Center Internship Experience
Internship Experience
The Intern Program is managed through the Center for Higher and Adult Education. To receive support from the Center, students should seek an internship working directly with a state, national, and/or institutional entity outside of MSU. The Center Intern Program is not meant to provide financial support for traditional internship placements in university positions currently available to many HALE students.
The internship may take a variety of forms. Nevertheless, the purpose of the internship, in all cases, is to further the research interests and professional goals of the student, whether through the acquisition of professional experience, participation in research projects, or through independent research conducted in conjunction with or under the supervision of a faculty or an institution.
The Center will provide financial support for successful applicants. The level of support will be based on a review of the budget that students submit with their application to the program. Requests typically range from $500 to $2,500. Actual awards will vary according to the availability of funds. HALE Masters, SAA Masters, and HALE PhD students are eligible for this award. Students are limited to one award at the Masters level, and one award at the Doctoral level, for a maximum of two awards during the course of HALE studies.
The Center may also be able to provide assistance with finding internship opportunities, seeking matching funds, and establishing relationships with organizations, especially for internationally-based internships. The primary focus of funding will be on travel and related expenses.
Internships can vary in length. The Center will consider any length of internship that fosters a graduate student’s professional development in international or domestic higher education policy.
ApplicationsApplications for internships should be submitted electronically at any time during the fall or spring semester. Applications submitted during summer sessions or winter break will not be considered. Graduate students applying to the Center for funding must submit a proposal no longer than two-pages in length that includes the following information:
- A description of the proposed internship.
- How the internship will foster your professional development and how it relates to higher education policy.
- Timeframe for the internship.
- A budget (including any matching funds you are seeking or any financial support provided directly by the organization).
- A brief e-memo from your adviser supporting the application.
- A description of any other anticipated support for the proposed time period (both the source and amount of support). This should include all forms of support, including any forms of compensation you might be receiving (such as an assistantship). Paid compensation arrangements will not affect the decision of the award committee, but may influence the timing of the internship.
Applications should be submitted to HALE via email at haleadm@msu.edu, please title your subject line "CHAE Internship App"