CHAE 2016 International Experience: Mexico City
May 11-20, 2016
In May 2016, assistant professors Brendan Cantwell and Riyad Shahjahan led the Center for Higher and Adult Education's international experience to Mexico City.
The purpose of the Mexico City global higher education class is to provide students with an opportunity to explore how local, national, and global forces interact in shaping the higher education landscape in a large Latin American city. Today higher education in the city faces many challenges and opportunities associated with globalization and meeting the needs of a growing economy and rapid social change in a middle-income country. While the history, context, and current conditions of higher education in Mexico City are distinct, the process of examining colleges and opportunities in higher education through local, national, and global context is relevant for scholarly, administrative, and policy work around the world. Students both develop a deeper appreciation of higher education in Mexico City but also develop tools useful for conducting comparative and international higher education work anywhere.
In Mexico, the HALE group participated in a seminar on global higher education with faculty from the Departmento de Investigaciones Educativas at Cinvestav, a leading Mexican research institution. Students learned from education faculty at the National Autonomous University, one of the largest and oldest (established in 1551) universities in North America, and from the faculty of Mexico’s largest higher education program at Metoropolitan Autonomous University at Azcapotzalco. The HALE group also toured five other institutions including public, non-profit, and proprietary colleges and universes in order to develop a sense of the higher education “landscape” in the city.
The Mexico City trip experience ran from May 11 - May 20, 2016. A portion of the costs associated with the trip was subsidized by the Center for Higher and Adult Education (CHAE). The class was open to all Student Affairs Administration (SAA) and Higher, Adult and Lifelong Education (HALE) masters and doctoral students. The experience is part of a three-credit class, EAD 972: International Comparative Higher Education.
Learn more about the 2016 trip and view pictures at the Mexico City Global Higher Education experience page.