Policy Students Visit D.C
Doctoral students in the EAD 967: Policy Development and Analysis in Postsecondary Education course took a two-day trip to Washington, DC, supported by the Center for Higher and Adult Education (CHAE).
The Center for Higher and Adult Education annually sponsors travel to Washington, D.C. for students in the capstone core course in the Higher, Adult and Lifelong Education doctoral program (EAD 967: Policy Development and Analysis in Postsecondary Education). The HALE doctoral cohort of students spend 2 days in the nation’s capital visiting higher education associations and organizations to learn about policy issues currently being debated at the institutional, state, and federal levels in the United States as well as the role that policy analysis and education research play in the policy process.
The policy trip offers students an incredible opportunity for both academic and professional development that is unique among higher education doctoral programs around the country. Students are able to link theory and practice by hearing from current higher education policy leaders on a range of current policy issues.
To learn more about recent trips, including details of the trip agenda and speaker biographies, visit the 2017 D.C. Policy Trip webpage.