Series’ and Colloquiums / Events -

Dr. Vasti Torres will be discussing her ongoing research looking at sustainable commitments to improving student success and closing achievement gaps for historically underrepresented students.

Access to high quality higher education in an inclusive environment is a major factor in the continued advancement of a strong democracy and workforce. How are colleges and universities working together to strengthen and build their capacity to ensure that more students complete their college education and have more opportunity for economic success? Dr. Vasti Torres will be discussing her ongoing research looking at sustainable commitments to improving student success and closing achievement gaps for historically underrepresented students. Dr. Torres, the former Dean of the College of Education at the University of South Florida, is a leading scholar on how the identity development of Latinx students can influence their college experience.

Dr. Vasti Torres 

Dr. Torres is a professor in the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education (CSHPE) at University of Michigan. Her research focuses broadly on the success of underrepresented students in higher education. She is known for her work on how the identity development of Latinx students can influence their college experience. She has been the Principle Investigator for several grants including a multi-year grant investigating the choice to stay in college for Latino students as well as a multi-year grant looking at the experiences of working college students. She has worked on several community college initiatives including Achieving the Dream, Rural Community College Initiative, and Building Engagement and Attainment for Minority Students initiative.


Fall 2017 Raines Colloquium: "Questioning Retention Metrics: A Theoretical Synthesis to Promote Student Success"

Dr. Vasti Torres will be discussing her ongoing research looking at sustainable commitments to improving student success and closing achievement gaps for historically underrepresented students.